Welcome to the Department of Environmental Management
The Department of Environmental Management was established in 2015 under umbrella of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. This is the only academic department in the university system in Sri Lanka where the university entrants from the Arts stream can learn environmental management and secure a specialized degree. The Department offers subjects for the general degree and a Special Degree in Environmental Management which includes course units with cutting edge knowledge in the subject.
The Department of Environmental Management was established in 2015 under umbrella of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. This is the only academic department in the university system in Sri Lanka where the university entrants from the Arts stream can learn environmental management and secure a specialized degree. The Department offers subjects for the general degree and a Special Degree in Environmental Management which includes course units with cutting edge knowledge in the subject.
We keep high expectations of the Department in serving as leading expertise in Environmental Management in the country and out of the country. The Department is still in its infant age has launched various activities. The staff gaining their postgraduate qualifications and in future the Department will grow faster.
The Department’s future is in line with developing the discipline as a professional cum academic orientation. The Department staff already has started researching on such relevant areas as drought, the environment of the CKDu and SME. It is our expectation to grow the Department to an institution leading in research and development in the areas of regional relevance in order to develop global specialty in the field.
To be a center of excellence in Environmental Management through creative thinking, teaching-learning, research, and dissemination of knowledge for the sustainable development of the country, region and the world.
The department of Environmental Management strives to be a center of excellence in providing leadership in the field of Environmental Management for protecting, preserving, developing and suitable use of environmental resources for achieving quality life and healthy environment while educating people on current and future challenges due to interaction of human and environment through offering diverse high quality interdisciplinary courses for the undergraduate students to improve knowledge, skills, attitudes pertaining to environmental conservation and management under both general and special degree Programmes while facilitating for innovative teaching-learning, collaborative research, carry out outreach works for the benefit of students and the society.

Head of the Department
Prof. Manjula Ranagalage
Professor, Ph.D. in Geo environmental Sciences University of Tsukuba, Japan, MA in Geography (SJP), MSc. in Geo Informatics (PDN), B.A. (Hons.) in Geography (CMB).