Senior Lecturer

Educational qualifications
- PhD in Industrial Economics (Wuhan University of Technology, PR China)
- M.Phil. in Economics (University of Peradeniya)
- BA in Economics (Rajarata University of Sri Lanka)
Research Interests
- SMEs, Financial Innovations, Women empowerment, gender inequity
Research Publications
Research publications in refereed journals (full paper published)
- Niranjala S.A.U., (2019), Examining the Effects of Unemployment on Economic Growth in Sri Lanka (1991-2017), Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. 10 (20).
- Niranjala S.A.U., (2015), Stock Market Development and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka, Global Journal of Management and Business Research ,Vol. 15
- Niranjala S. A. U., Jianguo W., (2015), The relationship between Innovation and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. 6,pp.74-81
- Niranjala, S. A. U., (2015), The relationship between Gender and Micro enterprise performance: based on a Field study in Nuwaragampalatha Divisional Secretariat, Samodhana: The Journal of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 4 (II), pp. 25- 32.
- Niranjala S.A.U., (2014), The social and economic impact of women migration (Special reference to Matale District), Journal of Social Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, pp.192-206.
- Niranjala S. A. U., (2011), Obstacles for the development of female owned micro enterprises in Sri Lanka (Special Reference to Anuradhapura District), Management Research on Modern Trends in Innovative Management, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, pp. 202-209.
Peer reviewed Presentations at National/International Conferences/Symposia
Full Paper
- Niranjala, S. A. U., (2018), Persuasive Factors on the Access to Finance for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises: Special Reference to Western Province in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Management and Economics-2018, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna
- Prasanna, R.P.I.R., Niranjala, S. A. U., & Lalani, J.M.G., (2018), Profit Efficiency of Paddy Farming in Modern Agricultural Colonization Schemes in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Management and Economics-2018, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna.
- Niranjala, S. A. U., Jianguo W., (2017), Access to Finance and Related Issues in the SMEs in Sri Lanka, 3rd International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2017), 21-23 April, Chendu, China.
- Niranjala S. A. U., Jianguo W., (2015), Relationship between Inflation, Stock Market Development and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka, 3rd International Research Symposium -2015, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 26-27 January-2016, pp.273-281.