The First Multilingual E-Magazine by the Department of Languages, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Lumina serves as a testament to the university’s commitment to fostering global perspectives through multilingualism. By featuring creative and academic works in languages such as Sinhala, English, Hindi, Chinese, French, and Japanese, we aim to bridge linguistic divides and inspire deeper appreciation for cultural richness.
The magazine showcases a wide variety of content, including:
- Essays
- Reviews (Poetry, Novels, Short Stories, Films, Drama)
- Poetry
- Short Stories
- Photography
- Artwork and Paintings
- Short Videos and Documentaries
Our Vision
- Celebrate Multilingualism: Providing a vibrant platform to explore and appreciate the beauty of diverse languages.
- Enhance Creative Expression: Empowering undergraduates to share their innovative and artistic works.
- Promote Cultural Exchange: Encouraging dialogue that fosters mutual respect and understanding across linguistic and cultural boundaries.
Get Involved…
We invite all undergraduates of the Department of Languages to contribute to Lumina. The submission categories are open for;
- Essays
Students may submit essays of no less than 1,000 words on any topic.
The top 5 essays, as selected by the review panel, will be published in the E-Magazine.
- Reviews
Students may submit reviews of no less than 1,000 words for poetry, novels, short stories, films, and drama.
The best 4 reviews, as selected by the review panel, will be published in the E-Magazine.
- Poetry
Undergraduates may submit poems on any topic, theme, or genre. The topmost 5 poems, chosen by the review panel, will be published in the E-Magazine.
- Short Stories
Undergraduates may submit short stories on any topic or theme of their choice.
The top 3 short stories, as selected by the review panel, will be published in the E-Magazine.
- Photography
Students may submit one photograph each for consideration.
The best 8 photographs, selected by the review panel, will be featured in the E-Magazine.
- Art and Paintings
Students may submit artwork or paintings created using any medium.
The top 5 pieces of art, chosen by the review panel, will be included in the E-Magazine.
- Short Videos
Students may submit short video clips (e.g., Tik -Tok or similar) or documentary videos of up to 08-10 minutes, under the theme “Rediscovering Rajarata.”
Software: Any video editing software can be used.
Video quality: HD Quality (1080p or higher)
Duration: 8-10 minutes
The top 3 video clips, as selected by the review panel, will be published in the E-Magazine.
Be a part of Lumina and let your creativity shine across languages and cultures. Share your talents with us today!