Academic Staff Head of the Department Prof. Ven. Olaganwatte ChandrasiriProfessor Professors Prof. D.M.W.K. DissanayakeProfessor Senior Lecturers Ms. M.T.C. Harshani K. MillagahathennaSenior Lecturer Rev. G. UparathanaSenior Lecturer Ms. M.G.N. DayanandaSenior Lecturer MS. S.T.H.P. SamarasingheSenior Lecturer Lecturers Ms. Nimesha DayarathneLecturer (Probationary) Temporary Lecturers Ginikatuwewe Vipula HimiTemporary Lecturer G. Bhawantha Pramod ChandrarathneTemporary Lecturer Ms. Hasanthi PremathilakeTemporary Lecturer Ms. W.M.R.S.K. WanninayakeLecturer (Temporary) Chinese Ms.D.C.M.Sachinthana Dissanayake Visiting Lecturers Ms. R.M. Sewmini Rathnayake ManikeVisiting Lecturer