Call for Full Papers – JAHS 2024 (I & II)
Word template and guidelines: Please use a word processor (MS Office or Open Office) for your article; the following guidelines will help you format and structure your article.
– Language : Sinhala or English
– Fonts : Sinhala – Iskoola Pota, English – Times New Roman
– Font size : 16 (Main topic), 14 (Headings), 12 (Text)
– Doc. Size : Maximum 12,000 words
Guidelines for Preparation of Article Manuscript
Title: The title should be related, abstractive and authentic.
Author details: Please mention the education qualifications, institute, and position to be published, along with the name of the author(s). Also, mentions an email address and contact number(s) that should use for communication. Please mention the corresponding author with a (*) mark and forward “Form No. 01” separately.
Abstract: Make an abstract of 250-300 words in one paragraph; including,
– Basic introduction – Enter the research context through the research problem and aim.
– Methodology – Brief idea about the research methodology
– Results – Brief of the significant findings of this research
– Discussion – Main discussion of the research and focus on the aim and objectives of the article.
– Conclusion – Overall conclusion and interpretations of this research
Keywords: Provide 4 – 8 keywords reflecting the content of the article.
Please Note: If you are submitting an article in Sinhala, you must provide the Title, Author details, Abstract, and Keywords in English.
Introduction: This is the foundation for the article. Authors should empathize with the importance of their research by referencing the latest publications. The research aim, objectives, problem, and hypothesis could be mentioned in this part. The geo-location information should be mentioned separately if the article is mainly based on field data.
Methodology: The data collection, classification, and analysis methods should be mentioned here. The reader identified the technical flow of the manuscript through the methodology part. Further, it should be a simple presentation that an outsider can understand.
Results: The results of your findings are presenting here. They should be precise and abstract.
Discussions: Authors should fill the gap with their new findings mentioned in the introduction. The discussion part follows the order of the results mentioned above. To make an honest discussion, authors should refer latest publications in the field. They should address the aim, objectives, and hypothesis through their new findings and also mention their future insights here.
Conclusions: The conclusion mainly consists of the abstract of the discussion part. There should not be mentioned the points were not mentioned in the discussion part. Authors should mention whether their outcomes achieved or not achieve the aim and objectives of the research.
Acknowledgment: Authors can mention the names who supported (Financial or other) fulfilling their achievement.
Bibliography: When formatting the references, please follow the latest Harvard referencing Stile. When you input the other published data (Figure, Table, Drawings, etc.); please cite the first publication.
Artwork Guidelines: Illustrations, pictures, and graphs should be supplied with the highest quality and in an electronic format that helps us to publish your article in the best way possible. Please follow the guidelines below to enable us to prepare your artwork for the printed issue.
– Image format: JPEG: Common format for pictures (containing no text or graphs).
– Graphs and line art: Suitable application in Word processors or graphic designing packages (retains quality when enlarging/zooming in).
– Placement: Figures/charts and tables created in MS Word should be included in the main text rather than at the end of the document.
– Figures and other files created outside Word (i.e. Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, TIFF, EPS, and PDF) should be submitted separately. Please add a placeholder note in the running text (i.e. “[insert Figure 1.]”)
– Resolution: Rasterized based files (i.e. with .tiff or .jpeg extension) require a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Line art should be supplied with a minimum resolution of 800 dpi.
On acceptance and publication: The Editor-in-chief will inform the article’s progress to the corresponding author. End of the double-blind reviewing process, proofs will be sent to the corresponding author and should be returned promptly. After the journal acceptance, the online version of the article will be published on the Journal Previous Issues section.
Submitting the manuscript: All articles must be submitted through emails. Please send your articles through jahs@ssh.rjt.ac.lk.